Outlining Oxycodone Antibodies
Immunological Reagents for Drug Dosage Analysis
Outlining the Applications of MDMA Antibodies
Detecting Synthetic Cannabinoids by Immunoassay
How Accurate are Rapid Drug Tests?
Outlining the Primary Immunochemistry Analysis Methods
Techniques for Producing Antibodies to Drug Conjugates
Why is Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Important?
Therapeutic drugs are pharmacological substances administered for various treatments, typically comprising drugs with slim pharmaceutical windows. This sensitive index requires exceptionally accurate dosing to maximize the desirable effects of therapeutic drugs.
The History of Immunochemistry
Immunochemistry is an area of biochemical research and production that is chiefly concerned with immunological responses and biomolecular mechanics. Its underlying aim is to improve global understandings of antibodies and antigens, and the interplay between the two.
The Applications of Monoclonal Antibodies
Monoclonal antibodies are identical proteins cloned from a single parent cell, which are capable of binding to a specific biochemical determinant in a sample. They are used in diagnostic and pharmaceutical applications.